Costas Michalia Costas Michalia

The Fiora Perspective: Learning from Past Mistakes and Making Informed Decisions

At Fiora, we believe that the path to innovation and progress often involves revisiting past case histories, uncovering lessons that can help shape future decisions. One such case that has been a constant source of learning for us is the story of Blockbuster, an efficient business model that was once the epitome of movie rental success. However, a critical lack of external focus and the inability to assimilate outside influences led to its ultimate downfall. Interestingly, Blockbuster had a chance to buy Netflix, a then-emerging platform that later revolutionised the movie and TV industry, but they declined (hindsight is a wonderful thing).

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Costas Michalia Costas Michalia

Digital Transformation: The Fiora Way

Digital maturity is a journey filled with opportunities, but it also presents numerous potential pitfalls. Some of the most critical yet often overlooked fail points are listed below ranging from the sole focus on technology to the exclusion of culture.

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