What is a Digital Strategy and What to do if your Organisation Lacks One
While technology is a key enabler of a digital strategy, the strategy itself is a comprehensive plan that encompasses business objectives, customer-centricity, content and communication, data-driven decision-making, user experience, organisational culture, compliance, resource allocation, and a keen awareness of the competitive landscape. A successful digital strategy integrates these elements to drive overall success in the digital age.
Digital Transformation is really hard
It really is difficult, it can feel like re-wiring a plane while in flight. Digital transformation has become an imperative for organisations of all sizes and across all industries. It represents a holistic shift from traditional ways of doing business to a more technologically integrated and data-driven approach. However, despite the evident benefits, many digital transformations fail to achieve their expected outcomes, with estimates suggesting a staggering failure rate of from 70% - 80% according to several studies.
Digital Maturity
Digital maturity is a concept that's re-shaping the business world, creating exciting new opportunities across every industry sector and market. It has already helped businesses outperform their competitors, enabling them to generate significant growth and deliver enhanced brand value. Understanding the mechanics of this transformational business approach – and how to apply them – are critical to your own sustainable success.