Costas Michalia Costas Michalia

What is a Digital Strategy and What to do if your Organisation Lacks One

While technology is a key enabler of a digital strategy, the strategy itself is a comprehensive plan that encompasses business objectives, customer-centricity, content and communication, data-driven decision-making, user experience, organisational culture, compliance, resource allocation, and a keen awareness of the competitive landscape. A successful digital strategy integrates these elements to drive overall success in the digital age.

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Costas Michalia Costas Michalia

What Can a Digital Maturity Assessment Do for Your Business?

The ability to understand, adopt and ultimately align your organisation with your industry’s ongoing digital transformation is becoming crucial for competitive success. A Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA) serves as a vital tool in this endeavour, helping your business to recognise where it stands in the digital landscape.

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Emilie Dal Emilie Dal

The Principles of Consumer Focus

The business environment has become highly competitive in recent years, and organisations are looking for ways to stand out from the competition. One of the most effective ways to do this is to adopt a consumer/customer-centric (user-centric) approach to work. This approach focuses on meeting the needs and expectations of users at every stage of the product or service life cycle. 

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Costas Michalia Costas Michalia

Digital Transformation is really hard

It really is difficult, it can feel like re-wiring a plane while in flight. Digital transformation has become an imperative for organisations of all sizes and across all industries. It represents a holistic shift from traditional ways of doing business to a more technologically integrated and data-driven approach. However, despite the evident benefits, many digital transformations fail to achieve their expected outcomes, with estimates suggesting a staggering failure rate of from 70% - 80% according to several studies.

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Costas Michalia Costas Michalia

The right approach to Digital Transformation

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, organisations must adapt and innovate to remain competitive. Achieving digital maturity and transformation is essential for businesses to thrive in this environment, and there are numerous models and approaches to choose from. However, the Fiora Digital Maturity Model stands out from the rest, offering a unique and comprehensive approach to digital transformation built on extensive research, data, and industry insights.

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Costas Michalia Costas Michalia

Why a ‘doing’ approach to Digital Maturity makes sense.

Digital maturity is essential for businesses to stay competitive in today's rapidly changing landscape. However, many organisations struggle to achieve their digital transformation goals due to a lack of hands-on experience, insufficient understanding of organisational culture, and inadequate change management. This post discusses the importance of a ‘doing’ approach to digital maturity and explores how Fiora's hands-on methodology, which emphasises real-world experience and cultural change management, can help organisations successfully navigate their digital transformation journey.

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Costas Michalia Costas Michalia

Productivity & Knowledge Leak

According to the Workplace Knowledge and Productivity Report, inefficient knowledge sharing leads to an average loss of £36 million in productivity each year for large US businesses. The report, which examines over 1,000 U.S. workers, reveals that 5.3 hours are wasted each week by U.S. knowledge workers either waiting for essential information from colleagues or working to reproduce existing institutional knowledge. These delays culminate in deferred projects, missed opportunities, and a significant impact on profitability.

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Costas Michalia Costas Michalia

Digital Maturity

Digital maturity is a concept that's re-shaping the business world, creating exciting new opportunities across every industry sector and market. It has already helped businesses outperform their competitors, enabling them to generate significant growth and deliver enhanced brand value. Understanding the mechanics of this transformational business approach – and how to apply them – are critical to your own sustainable success. 

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